Thursday, May 19, 2016

Pollinators are important
By Hannah Cram
          A pollinator is important because they give us food to eat, without pollinators there would be no plants and without pollinators we wouldn't be alive because humans rely on pollinators for their food. That is why a pollinators are important. Pollinators are dying because of the use of pesticide. Humans need pollinators humans rely on them for their food. Our environment would be nothing but dirt no plants or anything that's why pollinators are important.

         Pollinators are dying because of the use of pesticides. The,” Pesticides are killing honeybees and other pollinators”( Beyond Pesticides). Pesticides are killing the bees and pollinators are dying and if all of the pollinators die then we will have to hand pollinate flowers and crops. Big companies like Monsanto produce lots of food and they put pesticides on all of their crops they to kill the bad pesticides but it kills the good and bad.That is why and how pollinators are dying.

         Pollinators are important because humans need them in their environment . One example is ,“In a small orchard, 250 females of a kind of native bee called the blue orchard bee can do the work of 350,000 honeybees” ( Native bees are even more important because the work gets done faster when native bees do the pollinating. If it wasn't for pollinators plants would grow but would just die and not produce any food or seeds or anything. That is why pollinators are important especially native pollinators.

           With pollinators dying we are losing food, and if big companies like Monsanto using pesticides daily on their large crops we will advutally have no pollinators which means no food.This is what it would be like ,” How about a juicy apple for lunch, without pollinators there would be no such thing” without pollinators we won't have any food ( ) by Gerry Bishop. For example ,” Animals pollinate approximately 75 percent of the earth's food supply “ That is why we are concerned that we are losing food.

          In conclusion, pollinators are important because they give us food to eat, without pollinators there would be no plants and without pollinators we wouldn't be alive because humans rely on pollinators for their food. Pollinators are dying because of pesticides. We can't let them die because pollinators make our food grow. If pollinators all died we would adventurous have no plants no trees no grass it would be a black and white movie. That is why pollinators are important


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