Informational writing; pollinators
People should know that they actions they take can affect the pollinators population. For example destroying their habitats. Also using harmful pesticides that could take the life of multiple pollinators. Finally not being aware of these amazing creatures species possibly becoming extinct or how to help. Make sure you are careful and think before you act because you could be taking the life of a little helpless pollinator.
Pollinators are dying before our eyes due to the use of pesticides. For example, “pesticides alone and in combination with other factors have had a devastating effect on honey bees and wild pollinators” ( This is important because imagine a little honey bee going to pollinate a flower that had been sprayed with pesticides they have no idea there is no sign that says do not pollinate even if there was bees can't read. So that poor little honey bee dies not long after bringing that contaminated honey back to the hive. If another bee comes in contact with that pesticide filled honey they will die too so imagine maybe 5 or more bees dying because of that one flower with pesticides. So take action and be careful what you spray there is other options.
Pollinators pollinate about ⅓ of the world’s crops! For instance, “without bees say goodbye to almonds peaches and even chocolate” ( Wow peaches almonds and chocolate! I'm pretty sure that the average person likes at least one or maybe even two of those things and to keep them we need pollinators. Pollinators are an important piece of crop production without them you can say goodbye to that ⅓ of food that they help produce. Also did you know that, “the Apple industries rely on insect pollinators” (native pollinators) imagine a life with barely any apples and other delicious yummy juicy irresistible fruits it would be depressing. So now you know that we need pollinators and rely on them to provide us with all the yummy treats we love.
One consequence of fewer pollinators would be that flowers wouldn't spread and grow as rapidly as they do, do to no pollination. Pollinators are one of the main reasons of when you walk outside and see beautiful pink purple and yellow ect. flowers. When bees collect pollin from one flower and bring it to the next then that flower creates a seed then another flower is born so pollinators are on of the ways that plants can reproduce and create more. One example of pollinators being important to flower production is “pollinators are needed to keep plants flowering” (native pollinators) . Notice how they said, “needed” that means that plants are relying on pollinators to help them grow and create new flowers. So pollinators are one of the reasons why when we walk outside we can smile because of all the beautiful flowers that we see so without bees or any pollinators we don't get the joy of seeing beautiful flowers everyday.
To address this issue of pollinator loss regular ordinary people like me and you can plant bee friendly gardens or even just leave the flowers that grow on your lawn. By doing this bees that don't have a home or can't find food now have food and and a place to stay all because of you. Here are some tips if you wanna know what to plant, “butterflies prefer colorful,fragrant flowers with surfaces that are flat and broad enough in which to land on” (native pollinators). Also, “butterflies need to be warm so they sit on sunny surfaces before taking flight” (native pollinators) so just leaving some sunny places in your yard can help a butterfly on its way. Even according to (native pollinators), “the easiest way to attract pollinators is to plant gardens or meadows”. So just by doing these simple things you can help many pollinators.
Everyone at MMS especially team carrabassett is trying to address this issue by working hard and being activists. For example we are taking action and creating a pollinator friendly garden, and planting wild flowers and milkweed which pollinators love. We are also raising awareness and sending letters to companies such as Monsanto and telling them how their pesticide use is not only dangerous for pollinators but people too. Finally we are even hatching our own butterfly eggs to add to our garden and learn the life cycle of the butterflies and what they eat and how they grow. Overall our team is doing a great job being activists for the pollinators.
Now that you are aware of the pollinator population decreasing and how it incorporates with us, be activists and help the pollinators too. Don't use the harmful pesticides that kill these harmless creatures. You could help them by making gardens and doing very simple things that will not take much of your time. So think about one species could become extinct very quickly if we don't take the time to do these things. You'll make a difference if you try it may not be a big one but it will help in some way shape or form. Finally speak up for those who don't have a voice you'll make a difference.
GMOs can be dangerous but helpful too. Monsanto chooses to use GMOs because with a whole world with billions of people constantly purchasing fruits and veggies they have to find a way to produce food just as fast as it is being purchased. For example (Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D) says, “growing GMO plants is supposed to allow farmers to spend less money producing more food”. Also, “ using GMOs can help the company to use less pesticides and herbicides” ( Leigh Erin Connealy). As a result of that more pollinators lives are being saved because of Monsanto using GMOs in their products. Finally Monsanto using GMOs is not just harmful it's helpful too
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